Black "sunburst" Design Queen Size Canopy Bed Headboard Footboard Canopy

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  • Some assembly may be required. Please see product details.

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Black "sunburst" Design Queen Size Canopy Bed Headboard Footboard Canopy

   Brand: The Furniture Source

   Customer Rating :

   Availibility : Usually ships in 4-5 business days

Black "sunburst" Design Queen Size Canopy Bed Headboard Footboard Canopy Overviews

This is a beautiful wrought iron "Sunburst" design queen canopy bed. This bed includes the headboard, footboard, canopy posts, canopy rails, and canopy finials. It does not include a matress or bed rails. Brand new! Light assembly required.

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Black "sunburst" Design Queen Size Canopy Bed Headboard Footboard Canopy CustomerReview

I purchased this bed on a whim because I was in a quick fix for bedroom furniture. I had no idea that I would fall in love with it so quickly! It's very elegant and fits in with any bedroom decor. The frame itself is very easy to put together, and the simple bolts blend in with the frame so you don't see any connectors.

Even though I love this bed, there are a few things that should be mentioned. The bed itself does not come with a special frame for the bottom; this has to be purchased elsewhere. I read that in another review and put one on hold at the local furniture store. Because this is a canopy bed and not a regular frame, it has a special frame that has to be connected at the top and bottom. No big deal, even after buying the frame, the price for the entire ensemble was great.

Also, be careful not to push this bed too tightly against a wall. The black paint is a great finish, but if you're anything like me and like to JUMP into bed, it will rub the finish off on the walls.

Lastly, if you are buying a net or any type of material to go on the canopy itself, buy it before you put the bed together. It's less of a hassle than having to take it apart. The coverings that I used were similiar to curtains with the 'sleeve' along the top to run the poles though. I wound up having to take the poles down in order to put the coverings up.

With anything you buy, you are going to find small things that you didn't think of or expect. Even with these discoveries, I love this bed and would highly recommend it for all ages. It's shipped in a package small enough to fit in my car and it was light enough for me to carry up to my 2nd floor apartment by myself.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Feb 10, 2010 11:44:03

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